T-shirt rug progress

Enjoyed a visit with son Jacob recently.  He’s so unique and interesting and I so much enjoy his company.  He’s my favorite person in all the world to cook for or make things for.  He truly seems to appreciate me.  The only drawback is when he leaves, the house is even more empty and it takes a little while to get accustomed to it again!  Even the dogs miss him!!

I’ve continued to work on the rug made with DH Bob’s old tshirts.  Amazingly, it doesn’t matter how stained or worn the shirt, the strips look pristine when twined into the rug. Many of the shirts featured large advertisements but because of the properties of tshirt knit, the strips tend to turn inside out, showing only the shirt color and not the logos or themes.  I really like the way it’s progressing and Jake really likes it too.  He’s making plans for it’s location at his home.  The rug should be finished by the time he returns for another visit (which I hope is VERY soon!).

With the passing of the first day of Autumn, I can’t help but think of upcoming holidays.  It will be so different without the hubster.  I’m hoping to begin building new traditions without turning my back on the old ones.  Maybe this year I’ll enjoy ribeye steaks for Thanksgiving!

This old dog is learning new tricks!


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