More knitting finishes

Though my days continue to be busy, at night I still squeeze in a little time for knitting.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve worked on another pair of socks for Jacob.  He liked the first pair so much, it was easy to start another and with socks, the more you make them, the easier the task.

Because I had ordered only one skein of this yarn (On-Line Supersocke brand in their Desert blue color), as I knitted the first sock, I became very concerned there would not be enough yarn to finish the second.  Upon discovering matching yarn was not available, I quickly ordered  solid navy blue yarn (Knit Pick’s Stroll) for the toes and I like the way they turned out.  Upon completion, I discovered there was probably just enough of the original yarn but I’d prefer to have a little leftover for future darning (if needed) than to sweat while playing ‘Yarn Chicken’.

Learning to make socks has been a long-term goal for me.  When I first learned to knit many moons ago (before my decades-long hiatus), I decided that knitting fisherman knit sweaters and learning to knit socks proved one had a full comprehension of knitting.  Fisherman knitting (with lots of cable styles) was accomplished during my first knitting life when I made several for my family.  When I returned to knitting, I was determined to learn sock making.  This second pair is without mistakes so I feel there is no need to fear anything about knitting.  I will be starting my third pair shortly, as soon as I decide the pattern, yarn and recipient.  I have several of each from which to choose.

In the meantime (and because they are so popular), I’m knitting more washcloths.  Pictured are the three latest and a fourth is nearing completion.  I now have several for myself too!  Yippee!

Some radical weather came through here this morning.  In less than 4 hours, we received 5 inches of rain, a fair amount of hail, winds and tornado warnings.  Thankfully, the weather system has passed only leaving behind well-watered trees and grass.  I’m hoping some of the Junebugs and pollen have been washed away!

Hope your first full week of April is a cheerful one!


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