Sewing for cooler weather

For a few days, our weather cooled causing me to think ofSAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES warm casual wear and sleepwear.  With hub’s new health situation, he needs hospital wear too.  We dug through my patterns and deep into the fabric stash and found everything required to make him some new duds.

I chose a vintage robe pattern (Simplicity 8275) because I liked the featured hood.  With Bob’s newly buzzed and balding head (gee thanks chemo!), I want to ensure he stays warm, especially in our old, drafty house.  The fabric is some sort of polyester fuzzy-textured stuff (maybe moleskin) that is lightweight while warm.  He absolutely loves it and when asked to try it on, he wouldn’t take it off.  It fits perfectly with no alterations to the pattern! (Note:  Contrary to appearance in the photo, the bottom hem is actually straight.)

Now that he has a new robe, today I’ll start cutting and stitching pajama pants from plaid flannel we found in the stash.  He’s excited with the prospect and I hope to have 2 pair finished before his next overnight trip to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

The cooler weather has also inspired me to cook soups and oven meals.  Before son Jacob’s visit last weekend, I baked a huge batch of reduced-sugar peanut butter/chocolate chip cookies.  This week, I’ve also made cheesy potato/ham soup, pulled pork and my mother’s recipe of onion-flavored chicken and rice.  I have to be more conscious of Bob’s reduced eating (not to mention requiring soft foods) so I either cook much less or less often.  Thankfully, we don’t mind eating leftovers.

Quilting on ‘Bright Hopes’ baby quilt has slowly continued.  The main body is done and I’m now working on the border.  I expect it to be finished soon.  The appearance is pleasing.


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