My mind is clean ‘cuz I change it so often!


OK.  I realize my last post was written in a fit of frustration and at the time, I truly intended to quit writing blog posts completely.  I’ve had a change of heart… mostly because I like having a ‘poor excuse for a journal’.  Blog writing also gives me an excuse to not accomplish other things…. like house cleaning!!  I get a thrill when hubby comes into my area, sees me tapping away on my keyboard and says, “Never mind, I see you’re writing”.  Thankfully, he doesn’t read my blog!

In the unlikely chance you’ve been here before, you may notice a new theme.  The old one was so butchered by WordPress updates and an uncaring theme writer, it became totally unusable.  I’ll use this theme until I figure out I can’t fix the lack of menu tabs.  Hell, free themes are cheap so I can change them as often as I change my mind.Split-16 quilting

I’ve been keeping busy this week with quilting Split-16.  I love how she’s turning out.  I’ve checked with Bob and he’s made progress on the ribbon design for the border quilting.  I’m excited to try it but won’t unroll the quilt in the frame.  I’ll quilt the borders when the body is finished, either in the frame or in a hoop.

I’ve also been working on ‘restoring’ my grandmother’s treadle machine.  I’ll write a longer post about it soon.  Today, I’m busy making home-made pot pies, baking bread and quilting!


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