I may be the last…


…to acquire a bread machine but I doubt if anyone is more thrilled!

First Bread… SUCCESS!

Upon receiving the machine from a friend, reading the instructions twice and reviewing all the included recipes, it was time for a run.  I carefully measured all the ingredients and set the machine to automatically knead, rise, knead, rise and bake.  The aroma was heavenly and the family took turns looking through the little window with a flashlight to check the progress.  Yes, we are easily entertained.  🙂  Four hours later, we were slicing, buttering and wolfing down a wonderfully scrumptious loaf of bread.  The loaf lasted about as long as it took to bake it.  We loved it!

Since our first, I’ve now made many loaves and am comfortable concocting my own recipes.  My favorites include Parmesan cheese with various herbs and spices.  Very yummy indeed!

Bob plans to make a big pot of spaghetti tomorrow and I’ll bake a loaf of “Italian” bread, with basil, oregano, garlic, and Parmesan cheese.  I know it will be deeeelicious!

Our weather has turned cool for the past few days so work in the garden has slowed.  Seeds and baby plants prefer warm soil.  We will see warmer temperatures by the weekend when I’ll resume planting tomatoes, bellpepper, cantaloupes and okra.  The snowpeas continue to grow and the cowpeas (pinkeye purple hulls and Texas creams), dill, cucumbers and green onions have sprouted.  I’m closely watching for the zucchini and yellow squash babies to break through the soil.

The hardest work is almost done (tilling, rowing and planting).  We’ll soon be kicked back, watching the miracle of growth, blossoms and produce.  I love having the garden outside my office windows so I can closely monitor the progress.  Then we’ll work through harvest, freezing and canning. My fingers are crossed in hopes of our usual bumper crop.


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