Busy hands

It seems since November and finishing Bright Hopes baby quilt, I’ve been wandering aimlessly without an inspired purpose.  My hands have wanted to stitch but I’ve had no projects at a stage requiring hand sewing.  I find it difficult to sit in the SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESevenings with idle hands.

During the day, I enjoy machine sewing and have continued working on the Wild Goose Chase batik top.  All the triangle units are complete and I’ve begun assembling them by machine.  I like the pattern and fabric but the project doesn’t excite me and still requires no hand stitching.

I decided to dig out String Pyramids and prepare it for hand quilting.  This top is twin+ bed size and after conferring with DH, he suggested I use a lightweight batting to make a warm weather quilt.  I already have Thermore batting in my stash so decided to use it.

I found some pieces of wide fabric to use for backing and began basting the quilt.  It took 3 days to accomplish this as basting is my least favorite step.  During this time, I tried to allow the top to tell me the design I should hand quilt.  I could only ‘hear’ mumbles and no definite answer but I kept thinking about the old traditional Bishop’s Fan design and how I’ve never done it.  Well, the time has come!SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

After some research on the Net for marking a Bishop’s Fan design, I made the required tool from clear plastic salvaged from a disposable salad container.  It’s perfect!

Because of all the seams in the quilt pattern, I decided the fan arcs should be no closer than 1¼” apart.  Using a Dremel, I drilled holes into the clear plastic.

I stick a stylus into the hole farthest left (in the point) and with a Crayola marker in the next hole, I’m able to draw a perfectly curved arc.  I repeat the process with each hole until I have a 5-arc fan marked on the quilt.  Though the tool is a bit crude, it works wonderfully and will last through marking this quilt.  The price was right and repurposing a throwaway makes me smile!

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESFINALLY, I have a hand-stitching project to keep my hands busy and busy they will be for quite a while since it takes 2-3 evenings to quilt one row of fans on the quilt.  All the seams in those String Pyramids make the job a challenge but I’m enjoying the mindless work as I relax and watch movies.  It’s fun enough to keep me up an extra hour each night!

I just noticed DH in the garden patch removing last season’s tomato cages and trellises.  He’s been feeling pretty well so I’m wondering if he plans to crank and wrestle the tiller.  I haven’t dared to hope for a garden this year but if he’s able to till, I can certainly plant.  After last year’s big, BIG garden, I’m hoping he will limit the size to a more manageable proportion.

Spring is here!


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